Welcome! This is your page!

Here you´ll find

  • information about Anapana-Meditation and the course schedule
  • the timetable
  • application forms
  • photos from past courses
  • videos
  • the Anapana-Post, newsletter for children

Anapana, what is this?

Anapana is the observation of the natural breath, as it enters and leaves the nose. Everybody can learn Anapana and by that train ones concentration and awareness. Anapana is an exercise to strengthen the mind and can often be helpful in everyday life, for example just before a test (to gather ones thoughts), in stressful situations (to keep a clear head) or simply to relax.

Who takes part in the courses?

Children and teenagers from the age of 8-18 can participate. There are courses for boys, for girls, and mixed courses. A team of helpers goes along with you. During the meditation sessions there are specially trained meditation teachers, that will help you with the practice.

What happens on a course?

Generally the aim is that you gain experience with Anapana-meditation. Together we will meditate 8 times a day in a big meditation hall.

The time in between is filled with games, sport and creative activities, or we might even play theatre and read stories. If the weather is good, we use the large garden at Dhamma Dvara.

At mealtimes there will be tasty vegetarian dishes, offering variety for everybody´s liking.

The timetable you will find here.

What are the 5 precepts?

The 5 precepts are good intentions or rules, which aid in living harmoniously together and which will help you to stay calm and peaceful inside. They will provide a good foundation for your meditation and will give you mental strength. Therefore you should agree to follow these rules while staying here for the course.

They are:

  • I undertake the rule of not killing any living being.
  • I undertake the rule of not stealing.
  • I undertake the rule of not treating others badly.
  • I undertake the rule of not lying and not hurting others by saying harsh or mean words.
  • I undertake the rule of not drinking alcohol and not taking any other drug.

When do the courses take place?

The courses at Dhamma Dvara take place three times a year. Here you will find all dates.

By the way: if none of the courses suits you, you may also check other centres and ask if they can provide teachings in English or other languages.

Anapana-Post for children

Under the following link you´ll find our "Anapana-Post" - a newsletter for all who have already joined a course (only available in German language):

back issues:

Anapana-Post 2025

Anapana-Post 2024

Anapana-Post 2020

Anapana-Post 2019

Anapana-Post 2017

Anapana-Post 2016

Anapana-Post 2015

Anapana-Post 2014

Anapana-Post 2013

Anapana-Post 2012

Anapana-Post 2010

Anapana-Post 2011